Empowering Communities Through Agricultural Cooperative

Building Solutions for Urban Food Ecosystems & Farm to Table Experience

cooked food on black bowl
cooked food on black bowl

First of all

Our Focus

Discover how Village Hilltop Foundation is working to create new pathways to building an agricultural, community cooperative for underserved urban populations. We collaborate with academic institutions and organizations to build solutions for the urban food ecosystem, addressing the challenges of food deserts and the impacts of climate change on the food supply chain through innovative vertical farming.

Substance recovery treatment through horticulture is a unique and innovative approach to helping individuals overcome addiction. This treatment method utilizes the therapeutic benefits of working with plants and nature to promote healing and recovery. Through engaging in horticultural activities such as gardening and landscaping, individuals are able to develop important skills, build self-esteem, and find a sense of purpose. Additionally, the act of nurturing and caring for plants can be incredibly rewarding and therapeutic, providing a healthy outlet for emotions and stress. The process of tending to plants also teaches individuals patience, resilience, and responsibility. Overall, substance recovery treatment through horticulture offers a holistic and nature-based approach to recovery, enabling individuals to find solace, growth, and healing in their journey towards a healthier and happier life.

Not to mention

Our Approach

At Village Hilltop Foundation, we believe in the power of collaboration to create sustainable solutions for food deserts. By partnering with academic and educational institutions, as well as other entities in the urban food ecosystem, we aim to build new pathways towards a more equitable and resilient food system. Together, we can address the challenges posed by global political risk and climate change, and ensure that vulnerable urban populations have access to nutritious food, creating a farm to table experience.

Our Mission

The mission of Village Hilltop Foundation is to support and steward new pathways to food cooperatives for the most vulnerable urban populations. In the face of increasing challenges to the food supply chain, including the adverse impacts of climate change and global political risk, we strive to collaborate with entities that are building innovative solutions for the urban food ecosystem. Our goal is to alleviate the strain of urban food deserts and ensure that everyone has access to healthy, sustainable food options and overall well-being.

About Village Hilltop Foundation

Village Hilltop Foundation Inc. is a non-profit organization committed to empowering communities and promoting food sovereignty. We work closely with various entities to develop innovative solutions for the urban food ecosystem. Our focus is on supporting vulnerable urban populations and addressing the challenges posed by food deserts. By collaborating with academic and educational institutions, we aim to create sustainable pathways to ensure access to nutritious food for all.

The Village Hilltop Foundation and BOS Development, LLC are partnering to launch two pilot vertical farm projects in Wilmington, Delaware as part of their "Farming it Forward" initiative. The first pilot project will be located at the Bayard School, catering to K-8 students from a diverse urban community on the west side of Wilmington. The second pilot project will be at DNA Center, a former church property on South Jackson and Linden. This project aims to expand their culinary entrepreneurship training program by adding a mobile vertical farm and horticulture therapy program.

The pilot vertical farm projects aim to achieve multiple educational, holistic therapy and community-building objectives through a dynamic combination of curriculum and ag-tech infrastructure. By engaging diverse demographics and providing targeted health & wellness programming, these projects will inspire innovation, promote sustainability, work force development, and contribute to the communities served.

Empowering Communities, Nourishing Lives, Fostering Holistic Well-Being

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